Tuesday, July 16, 2013


I recently made a late-night visit to a local drug store to get some non-adherent gauze for an annoying wound I have. At this drug store I had a wonderful conversation with a quaint little immigrant, and by "wonderful" I mean exhausting, and by "quaint little" I mean frighteningly oompa loompa-ish.

The conversation went like this:

Me: Hi

Lady: Hello

Me: Where could I find some non-adherent gauze?

Lady: Jaws?

Me: What? No, gauze

Lady: Jeees?

Me: Gauze

Lady: J-E

Me: G-U



Lady: Jaws?

Me: Just show me where the pharmacy is.

Don't worry, the trip wasn't all a waste. I had a great conversation with my dad on the way home in which I taught him how to eat a Gobstopper. He concluded that it was "too hard" and didn't like it until I showed him "red" was a flavor in which he replied "ok gimme". It was the longest conversation we've had in 3 years.

Now if that's not father and son bonding then too bad because that's all my kid is gettin'

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