I'll start off by saying the Dark Knight, as a story, and a movie is great. It satisfies anyone with a history of the batman character whether it be via cartoon or comic book, along with any new comer to the batman franchise.
But what i really wanted to talk about was the performance of Heath Ledger. He encapsulated every essence that is the Joker, from the psychotic seriousness behind each devious plan, to his ability to make something comical and eerily ominous at the same time. Ledgers performance is not something that shines through at specific points in the movie, but throughout.
As a grown man it is difficult to say a something may have frightened me, but that something that frightened me in this movie was not of the "appear out nowhere" variety. It was scene near the beginning of the movie (spoilerish) where the Joker had captured a cop dressed as Batman and was filming it with a hand held camcorder. Ledgers character yells something along the lines of "Look at me" that if anyone in the theater may have actually turned to look at me that this point would of probably lost all respect for me.
In my opinion Ledgers version of the Joker trumps any villain played on the silver screen. Including Anthony Hopinks as Hannibal Lecter and miles ahead of 1989's Jack Nicholson.
It is a shame to think that as a fan of the franchise and a fan of good film making we will never see an adaptation of the Joker character like this again, a character so powerful that it almost makes you root for him throughout the film.
I won't go on any further with fear of giving away epic lines that will take your breathe away.
Crap, i ended that kinda gay didn't I? A little Brokeback Mountain if you will. What? Too soon?
P.s. My fav scene if from the pic i provided above.
1 comment:
DUDE, I completely agree with everything said except the hannibal thing... Its close but I would not at all say The Joker was creepier than Hopkins, I mean that dude gave me nightmares.
P.S. best closing line to any review I have ever read.
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